Thursday, August 11, 2011

"Charlotte" the Cedar Chest

Do you ever feel like there are not enough minutes in the day?  Not enough time to accomplish all that you want to do?  Ever feel like it is one big "catch up"?  Welcome to my world!  I have been on a whirlwind of buying and creating.  I wish my body could keep up with my thoughts.  I finally have a moment to sit down and "blog" now that the children are back in school.  Today is my first day with the 3 of them in school for the whole day!  So far, so good!  I have been sitting on the photos of the latest completed project for no other reason other than I just couldn't sit down (uninterrupted) long enough to get it on here.  So... without further rambling... Here is Charlotte.

I named her "Charlotte" because when I found her she was covered in webs.  Clever?  Well, my attempt at cleverness, anyway.  Please excuse the staging.  It will get better.  
Tomorrow's Post:  "Marigold" an armchair's story.

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