Wednesday, October 12, 2011

36 hours until the show!

Can it really be only 36  hours until we open for our first show?  It is almost here.  Of course something had to be forgotten... and what would that be?  My camera, of course.  However, Deb of Twice Nice has so thoughtfully posted some great photos on her sight.  You can get a glimpse of what we have to offer.  I will try to get over there tomorrow and snap a few photos as we have filled the place up!  Deb so generously offered up her home for the first show and we have filled every space possible.  There has to be at least 500 items up for sale this Friday and Saturday!  I am so very excited and hope that everyone who comes out enjoys the outing and takes a treasure or two home with them.  Check back in the next 24 hours for more photos!  Check out Deb's Blog for great photos @

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